Eye surgery in Berkshire, serving Windsor, Reading and the Berkshire region
Andrew Pearson MA MRCP FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgeon
Eye Surgery in Berkshire
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Profesional Training

Mr Pearson trained at Cambridge University and St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, qualifying in 1989. Higher training in internal medicine led to the award of Membership of the Royal College of Physicians.

Training in ophthalmology commenced in 1993 with a first post at the Prince Charles Eye Unit, Windsor. Extensive experience in further training posts for each of the sub-divisions within ophthalmology led to the award of Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in 1996 and full specialist accreditation in 2001.

Mr Pearson has undertaken two advanced higher specialist training programmes in oculoplastic surgery at both Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham and Moorfield’s Eye Hospital, London, and is a founder member of the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society.

In 2002 Mr Pearson was appointed Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading and the Prince Charles Eye Unit, Windsor.

Mr Pearson’s ophthalmic practice focuses on cataract surgery, oculoplastic surgery and general ophthalmology.


MA (Cantab)   1986

MB BChir        1989

MRCP.            1993

FRCOphth.     1996

CCST              2001

Professional memberships

Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Member of the Royal College of Physicians

British Oculoplastic Surgeons Society

British academy of cosmetic practitioners (BACP)

United Kingdom and Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons

European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons

General Medical Council

Medical Defence Union

Research, publications, presentations

Mr Pearson has published widely and regularly presents work at regional, national and international scientific meetings.


Comparison of a manometric tear duct irrigation test with dacryoscintigraphy in the investigation of epiphora.  Z Sipkova, E Obi, O Olurin, P Mota, O Vonica, A Pearson Orbit 2019

Dry eye after Lester Jones tube insertion for epiphora.  J Bladen, N Cascone, A Pearson, A Litwin, R Malhotra Orbit 2018

Assessment of lacrimal resistance using a manometric tear duct irrigation system.  E Obi, O Olurin, , Z Sipkova, O Vonica, A Pearson Orbit 2018 37 4

Comparaison des dacryocystorhinostomies par voie externe et
endonasale dans le traitement des voies lacrymales perméables mais
non fonctionnelles. Endonasal compared to external
dacryocystorhinostomy in the treatment of patent but non-functioning
lacrimal systems. I Larré, A Pearson, A Denoyer, A Ducasse. Journal Français D'Ophtalmologie 2018

Assessment of patient-reported outcome and quality of life improvement following surgery for epiphora.  Z Sipkova, O Vonica, O Olurin, E Obi, A Pearson Eye 2017 1–8

The value of lacrimal scintillography in the assessment of patients with epiphora.  O Vonica, E Obi, Z Sipkova, C Soare, A Pearson Eye 2017 31 1020-1025

A toddler with intermittent mydriasis.  R Han, A Pearson BMJ 2016 Oct 15 126

Twelve-Year Experience of Lester Jones Tubes—Results and
Comparison of 3 Different Tube Types.  L Bagdonaite, A Pearson Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2015 31 352–356

Early Experience with the StopLoss Jones Tube.  L Bagdonaite, A Pearson Orbit 2015 34(3) 132–136

Adult alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the lacrimal sac
J Neffendorf, L Bagdonaite, H Mudhar, A Pearson
Orbit early on-line 1-3 2014

Recurrent giant orbital apocrine hidrocystoma
I Ssi-Yan-Kai, A Pearson
Eye 2012 26 (6) 895-896

Orbital myositis associated with psoriatic arthritis
I Ssi-Yan-Kai, A Pearson
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2012 47 (6) 42-43

Orbital bruit in Churg-Strauss orbitopathy: a novel sign
F Jazayeri, A Pearson
Orbit 2012 31 (2) 65-6

External DCR for the treatment of epiphora in patients with patent but non-functioning lacrimal systems N Peter, A Pearson
BJO 2010 Feb 94(2):233-5. Epub 2009 Aug 18

Orbital apex syndrome from blunt ocular trauma
N Peter, A Pearson
Orbit. 2010 Feb 29(1):42-44

Comparison of dacryocystography and lacrimal scintigraphy in the investigation of epiphora in patients with patent but non-functioning lacrimal systems
N Peter, A Pearson
Ophthalmic and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2009 May-June 25 (3) 201-5

The use of Medpor-coated tear drainage tube in conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
A Pearson Letter Eye 2009 23 2120

Factors affecting outcome of punctoplasty surgery: A review of 205 cases
H Shahid, A Sandhu, T Keenan, A Pearson
BJO 2008 92 (12) 1689-1692

Severe, permanent orbital disease in Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
S Dhingra, G Williams, A Pearson
Orbit 2008 27 (4) pp. 325-7

Epileptic convulsion following aspirin withdrawal before lid surgery
M Scheepers, A Pearson, M Michaelides
Eye 2007 21 446

Bilateral canaliculitis following SmartPLUG insertion for dry eye syndrome post LASIK surgery
M Scheepers, A Pearson
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2006 Nov

Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis with bilateral secondary orbital infection
A Goawalla,  N Mansell, A Pearson
Orbit 2006 Dec

Biopsy-confirmed spontaneous resolution of Langherhans cell histiocytosis
R Rajendram, G Rose, P Luthert, P Plowman, A Pearson
Orbit 24 1-3 2005

Metastatic mesothelioma presenting with proptosis
A Gibson, A Pearson
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004 137 (5) 968-9

Corneal autografts: are the theoretical advantages achieved in practice?
A Pearson, J Sandford-Smith
Eye 2000 14 99 Reply: Eye 2001 15 127

Does ethnic origin influence the incidence or severity of keratoconus?
A Pearson, B Soneji, N Sarvananthan, J Sandford-Smith
Eye 2000 14 625-628

The ocular and systemic prognosis of patients presenting with sarcoid uveitis
C Edelston, A Pearson, E Joynes, M Stanford, E Graham
Eye 1999 13 748-753

The effect of 500 micron spot laser pan-retinal photocoagulation on the driving visual fields of diabetics
A Pearson, V Tanner, S Keightley, A Casswell
Eye 1998 12 64-68

How good are we at assessing driving visual fields in diabetics?
A Pearson, S Keightley, A Casswell
Eye 1998 12 938-942

Colour contrast sensitivity recovery following macular hole surgery
W Poon, A Pearson, G Ong, T Jackson, A Casswell, L Ripley
Published abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science February 1997

Acquired elevations in chromatic discrimination threshold are not found in young insulin-dependent diabetics
A Pearson, S Tregear, G Ong, W Poon, L Ripley, A Casswell
Published abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science February 1996

Therapeutic levels of digoxin do not affect chromatic discrimination threshold
A Pearson, G Ong, S Tregear, T Jackson, A Harden, L Ripley
Published abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science February 1996


The Berkshire brush.  E Hawkes, A Pearson.  Poster presentation at BOPSS 2018 Dublin

A modified technique for securing lacrimal stents in children.  Michaelis M, Pearson A Video presentation ESOPRS 2017 (Stockholm)

Assessment of patient-reported outcome and quality of life benefit
following surgery for epiphora.  Sipkova Z, Vonica O, Olurin O, Obi E, Pearson A Poster BOPSS 2017 (London)

How useful is lacrimal scintigraphy in the assessment of patients with epiphora?  Vonica O, Obi E, Sipkova Z, Pearson A Platform presentation at ESOPRS 2015 (Brussels)

Modified posterior approach ptosis surgery technique.  Vonica O, Pearson A Video presentation ESOPRS 2015 (Brussels)

A novel physiological manometric system for measuring lacrimal resistance.  Obi E, Mota M, Sipkova Z, Vonica O, Olurin O, Pearson A Poster BOPSS 2015 (Belfast)

An illuminating case of a hard to find cause of blood in the tears
E Obi, M Mota, A Pearson
Poster at BOPSS 2014 (Liverpool)

10 year experience of Lester Jones tubes – Results and comparison of frosted and plain tubes
L Bagdonaite, A Pearson
Platform presentation at ESOPRS 2013 (Barcelona)

Comparison of surgical outcomes in primary endonasal sutured flaps dacryocystorhinostomy with and without intubation
I Larre, F Jayazeri, A Pearson
Platform presentation at ESOPRS 2013 (Barcelona)

Early experience with a new type of Lester Jones tube
L Bagdonaite, A Pearson
Poster at ESOPRS 2013 (Barcelona)

Lacrimal syringing - a systematic approach
I Ssi-Yan-Kai, A Pearson
Platform presentation at SOPREF 2013 (Paris)

Fornix shortening as treatment for giant fornix syndrome
F Jazajeri, A Pearson
Poster presentation at ESOPRS 2010 (Munich)

Orbital bruit in Churg-Strauss orbitopathy: a novel sign
F Jazayeri, A Pearson
Poster presentation at ESOPRS 2010 (Munich)

A comparison of endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy with external dacryocystorhinostomy for the treatment of epiphora in patients with patent but non-functioning lacrimal systems
F Jazayeri, A Pearson
Platform presentation at ESOPRS 2010 (Munich)

Endonasal DCR demonstrating flap suturing technique
F Jazayeri, A Pearson
Video presentation at ESOPRS 2010 (Munich)

IOLMaster keratometry to guide and analyse reduction of astigmatism during cataract surgery with/without LRIs
E Fletcher, A Pearson
Platform presentation and poster at UKISCRS 2008 (Brighton)

Outcome of punctoplasty surgery: a review of 204 cases
H Shahid, T Keenan, A Sandhu, A Pearson
Platform presentation at BOPSS 2007 (Leeds)

Comparison of dacryocystography (DCG) and lacrimal scintigraphy (DSG) in the investigation of epiphora in patients with patent but non-functioning lacrimal systems
N Peter, A Pearson
Poster at BOPSS 2007 (Leeds)

Pig head model for teaching oculoplastics - Teaching the next generation
T Kersey, A Pearson
Poster at Joint British Oculoplastic Surgery Society/ European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2006 (London)

Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis, orbital cellulitis and an orbital apex abscess
A Goawalla, N Mansell, A Pearson
Poster at European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2005 (Crete)

Biopsy-confirmed spontaneous resolution of Langherhans cell histiocytosis
R Rajendram, G Rose, P Luthert, P Plowman, A Pearson
Poster at European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2003 (Gothenburg)
Short-term results of endonasal laser DCR using the KTP laser.
A Pearson, T Butler, N Jones, R Downes
Platform presentation at European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

A 7-year audit of tumours managed by the oculoplastic service of a tertiary referral centre
A Pearson, T Butler, J King, R Downes
Poster at European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Orbital metastasis of radiation-induced leiomyosarcoma
A Pearson, M Sokal, R Downes
Poster at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 2001 (Birmingham)
Endonasal laser DCR using the KTP laser
Video presentation at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 2001 (Birmingham) and European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001 (Santiago de Compostela)

What effect does ethnic origin have on the incidence and severity of keratoconus?
A Pearson, B Soneji, N Sarvananthan, J Sandford-Smith
Platform presentation at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1999 (Cardiff)
Corneal autografts: are the theoretical advantages achieved in practice?
A Pearson, J Sandford-Smith
Poster at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1999 (Oxford)
Orbital decompression: do the patients thank-you?
A Pearson, M Motamed, T Alun-Jones, G Fahy
Poster at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1999 (Oxford)

Colour contrast sensitivity recovery following macular hole surgery
W Poon, A Pearson, G Ong, T Jackson, A Casswell, L Ripley
Poster at ARVO 1997

Surgically-induced necrotising scleritis (SINS): The need for early recognition and treatment of a rare complication of ocular surgery
A Pearson, A Vakalis, A Casswell, C Liu
Poster at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1997 (Birmingham)

Therapeutic levels of digoxin do not affect chromatic discrimination threshold
G Ong, A Pearson, S Tregear, T Jackson, A Harden, L Ripley
Poster at ARVO April 1996

The effect of 500 micron spot laser pan-retinal photocoagulation on the driving visual fields of diabetics
A Pearson, V Tanner, S Keightley, A Casswell
Platform presentation at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1996 (Edinburgh)

Acquired elevations in chromatic discrimination threshold are not found in young insulin-dependent diabetics
A Pearson, S Tregear, G Ong, W Poon, L Ripley, A Casswell
Poster at ARVO April 1996

Long-term prognosis of patients with sarcoid uveitis, and risk factors for severe visual loss
C Edelston, A Pearson, E Joynes, M Stanford, E Graham
Platform presentation at Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 1995 (Oxford)


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